Book a FREE 30 Min Strategy Session With Fatherhood Expert Sam Asra

Welcome. I am

Sam Asra.

I help fathers save their relationship with their children.

Hi There! I'm


I Help Fathers Connect With Their Children Without The Frustration

I have been working with parents and children over the last 10 years.

Let me share a little a bit about me, and then I'd like to show how you can leverage my experience over the years to finally break through your challenges and achieve the results that you've been looking for.

How It All Started.

Growing up I did not have a good relationship with my father.

He would frequently beat my mother and I and was also emotionally abusive. When I got old enough, I took action to defend her. They divorced when I was 18 and I never heard from him again.

The one silver lining is that he taught me everything a father should not be. And I had to teach myself what my father should have taught me.

This experience fueled my passion to support fathers in building nurturing and healthy relationships with their children.

Facing Big Challenges.

With no father figure, I had very little direction and guidance. I had to face life's challenges alone. I felt abandoned. I was broken. I felt angry and hurt. I had to learn how to do everything through trial and error. I taught myself everything I didn't know, from how to do taxes, to how to tie a tie.

I had to do a lot of mental work to unlearn limiting beliefs that were instilled in me, including generational and cultural beliefs.

I had to grow up very fast, with my mom crying on my shoulder instead of the other way around. I had to be a guiding leading figure for my family.

How To Connect With Your Child Even If They Won't Talk To You.

Book A Free 30 minute Strategy Session With Fatherhood Expert Sam Asra.

Building The Expertise.

I started out working with children ages anywhere from six months to high school. I'd mentor, tutor, and train them in school, athletics and extracurriculars.

One day a parent came to me and asked me why their child listened to me more than them. That's what sparked my interest and started my journey to coaching parents.

Over many years I've hired dozens of the best coaches, therapists and professionals to help build my knowledge and experience. From mindset, to relationships.

Helping YOU Succeed.

By now you are probably asking yourself "what does this have to do with me?" Good point.

The bottom line is this: I've invested over 10 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in my development and have done the work, so you don't have to. I've consulted the best in the field.

I've spent the thousands of hours. And by working with me you get access to it all to help you succeed.

Your Time Is Now.

Today, I have the honor of working with an amazing community of fathers who are reshaping the future through their children.

And I want the same for you.

Imagine breaking through the barriers that keep you from fully connecting with your child.

What would your life look like if you were able to finally bond with your child, once and for all?

The next step is up to you. Click below to begin this life-changing process.

"I was inspired by Sam’s emphasis on the power of connection and attentive listening in father-child relationships. His insights align with my own experiences and the core values we promote at Great Dad Talks – genuine connection, active listening, and intentional engagement with our kids."

Paul Banas

Fatherhood Expert, CEO of


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